Freitag, 9. Februar 2018


I hope all of you had a good start In this year 2018. I know I was very busy in the last month, but today I was aible to update the homepage, so I made sure, that all links there will work again. 
Yes I know, that the old guestbook is no more online, but be sure, that we have all guestbooks entry saved. So feel free to use this one. You don`t need to create a new account. OK, for the board you need an account. 

So you know, that this will be a special year for Donny? If yes, so write the reasons in the answers and leave a message. 

Mittwoch, 9. August 2017

Happy Birthday, Don Swayze!

I wish you a wonderful day today!

Feel free to post in the guestbook of the board:

Mittwoch, 14. September 2016

No more pain ....

No more pain big brother. You have always been the light that guides me! You are the greatest warrior and most loving man I´ve ever known. 
Nie wieder Schmerzen großer Bruder. Du warst immer das Licht, das mit geleitet hat! You warst der größte Kämper und am meisten geliebter Mann, den ich je kannte.
Don Swayze, 14.September 2009  

Heute wiederholt sich der Todestag von Patrick Swayze bereits zum 7 mal. Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass es schon so lange her ist, dass Patrick seiner schweren Krankheit erlegen ist. Ich kann mich heute noch sehr gut an diesen Morgen erinnern. Die Reaktionen auf diese Nachricht. Donnys Kommentar im Gästebuch lies keine Zweifel daran offen.

Dieser Morgen hatte eines gezeigt: Egal wie sehr man mit einer derartigen Nachricht rechnet, und natürlich mussten alle jederzeit damit rechnen, so hart trifft es einen doch. Die Gemeinschaft, die sich aus den drei Fanseiten entwickelt hatte, sie waren in diesem Moment vereint in der tiefen Trauer, die auch nach 7 Jahren nicht sehr viel weniger ist.

Doch auch noch 7 Jahre nachdem der Tod seinem Kampf ein Ende gesetzt hat gibt es noch immer kein Heilmittel. Wir sollten den Forschern doch mal kräftig auf die Füsse treten. Es kann nicht sein, das jemand mit dieser Diagnose gleich von einem Todesurteil spricht. Menschen, wie Patrick Swayze, brauchen in erster Linie Hoffnung auf Heilung.

Wir, als Fangemeinschaft, sollten alles in unserer Macht liegende tun, damit die Forschung voran kommt und damit es mehr Menschen gibt, die diesen Kampf gewinnen können. Krebs sollte nicht länger mehr die Geißel der Menschen sein. Das Beispiel, das Patrick Swayze uns allen gegeben hat, das sollte niemand vergessen.

Donnerstag, 18. August 2016


Happy Birthday!

Today it is Patricks 64th Birthday, and I think for all of us, it is not easy to understand that he only can celebrate this in heaven. 

We will remember him, in his movies and his music. 
I think, if she would released a disc of his songs for the foundation, there will be a run of it. But I am sure, SHE will never do this. 

So ... let us celebrate and dance!

Love and Light

Donnerstag, 28. April 2016


Hi @ all

I know, at the moment, the board is not very busy, but you know ... sometimes you`re just busy. In the last days very busy.
Not only that I start to work, a reason is, that the old guestbook isn`t working anymore, and so I have to find a new way.

I think, you all want, that the entries are save, and so I copy all of them into the guestbook in the board. There you can post as member also as guest. I hope you will use this.

Oh and be sure, there are some news in the background. 

Freitag, 25. März 2016

Happy Eastern ...

We wish all of you Happy Eastern ... make the best you can, with the free time you have. 
Enjoy the time with these people, who you love ... you will never know, how long you will stay togehter. 
Be careful with the feelings ... and take good care of you!

Freitag, 12. Februar 2016

Fight against Pancreatic Cancer ...

... to honor a big fighter.

In the last weeks, I had a lot of opportunity tho thinking back at the time, as a lot was visiting and using die Fanpage of Don Swayze. Of course I mean the boards too. We had a strong community, at it looks that some good internet-friendships are born.

If I now check the internet, yes I see a lot pictures of Patrick, remember a big actor. But, what is to remember a big fighter? He was incredibel in his fight against his illness, and this community was it too. 6 years ago, we gave us the promise, that we will stay always together, no matter what will happen. For some of us, this counts today, but the most are gone.

Yes I know, I wasn't always able to do it. I remember a telephone call, as I was not in the mode to talk with someone, and directly as I finished this call, I was sorry, that I don't had the strenght to listened. But I can't turn the clock back.

I don`t know, why this is happen, but right now, we have the chance to continue the fight of Patrick. Not to post picture of him, but to try to find a cure for this terrible illness. But for that, we have to stay together, as this community we was during his illness.

A few month ago I received an email of a fan. Yes, it was directly after here in germany runs "Dirty Dancing" and a documentary on a tv-station. She wants to make something, so that there will find a cure. Of course it is a long way, but really she can`t do it not alone.

She has now set up a foundation to find a cure for Pancreatic Cancer, so that nobody has feel the pain like Patrick has. We remember what Donny said in the Guestbook: "No more pain ..." that is, what Anette wants. No more victims of cancer, no more family member, who are struggling with the grief.

This will be a long way, and brings up a lot of memory for all of us. I believe, that together, we will have a chance, together as community, as friends. All of us, hopeful together with a very strong brother. Yes I know, he will have the strenght to continue the fight. He will never give up.

I remember, as Donny told us about this:

And yes after all this years ... you know me. 

I'm not someone, who ask you for help, if I'm not sure, that this will be a good thing. But also I know, that this will be a long and hard way. But I am sure, that we as community we can do so much more, as only post pictures. To honor him, we have to continue his fight. What did you think? 

What can we do? Share the link of the foundation, so that so much as possible will know it. Post question if your not sure. You will get an answer. Yes, at the moment it is in german, but if you translater don't working, so let me know. There is always a way! 

To say clear: This foundation have Patricks name, not to make money with him, but to continue his amazing fight against these illness, to honor him and his family. As a strong community we can achieve so much more as a single person. 

Will you help us? 

I post here the links of this foundation ... please click the like button on facebook, it is for a good reason. Please post a comment at the Blog. Share it so good as you can. For him and for his family (special Donny). 

Help Anette, that no more a brother have to say: No more pain big brother!

Here are now the links: 

Love and light